Melissa lives in a world where everyday is a Creative, Magical Adventure full of Color. Art came into her world full time after being laid off from her corporate job in Jan 2012. After her Father’s death in 2013 Melissa started painting, art journaling, playing with mixed media as a way of healing. As a Creative Artist & Jewelry Designer her work has been featured at Newburyport Art Association, Chelmsford Art Association, SOWA Art Market in Boston, MA, Greenway Market in Boston, MA, Squam Art Fair 2015 in Holderness NH, and Providence Flea in Providence, RI. When Melissa is not creating some sort of Magical Art, you can find her at the local Art Museum, Thrift Store/Flea Market or riding her bike to Plum Island Beach in Newburyport, MA

Her new passion is Abstract Art and her Happiness shines through!

[email protected]