Artists FAQ


The Boston Arts Festival will be Saturday, Sept. 7th and Sunday, Sept. 8th, from 11AM to 6PM.

All artwork MUST be made by you. No imports, no kits, no mass produced items, no T-shirts or baby clothing, totes, canvas bags, or similar items. Artists will be juried and accepted based on availability in their medium. All media categories will be limited to ensure a balanced event.

White 10×10 tents with 40 lb weights per leg are required. Mesh panels are allowed and encouraged.  No tables, chairs, or display equipment will be provided. 

Who can apply?

Any artist who makes artwork by hand can apply. All artwork must be handmade by you, and you must be present at the show yourself. Preference will be given to Boston artists (living within the 495 loop.)

How do I apply?
Fill out the application form online (which includes info about you and your work); upload photos for the jury;
make your checks payable to The Boston Arts Festival;  and mail to: The Boston Arts Festival, P.O. Box 171080 - Boston, MA 02117.
What is the deadline to apply?
 The Jury Committee will review all applications on a rolling basis. Artists will be accepted until all space is filled. 
Next Jury date will be April 27th. Some artists in crowded categories may be waitlisted to ensure a balanced show.
Note: There are no refunds once your application is accepted and you have paid. If you are not accepted your check will be shredded. (Include a SASE if you'd prefer your check returned.)
If you do need to cancel for any reason, please let us know as soon as possible.
How do I get my work posted on the website?
We will use the photos and bio information you submitted with your application. The Participating Artist list will remain up all year long – customers often email us later looking for a particular artist.
Artists will be added to the website in the order they were accepted.
When do I get my location assignment?
We will give you your space assignment and have someone assist you with your things the morning of the event.
Can I request a specific space?
You may request to be placed near a fellow artist who is also applying. We will try to accommodate, but no guarantees on space assignments.
What if it rains?
The Festival will take place rain or shine.
In the event of severe weather such as hurricane rains, the cancellation will be posted on our website and social media, and an email will be sent to Participating Artists.
Do you supply tents?
Artists will need to bring their white 10x10 tents, plus proper weights (four 40 pound weights, which is one 40 pound weight attached to each tent leg).
We do not supply any display materials. You must bring your own tables, easels, chairs, etc.
When should I set up?
You will be given a setup arrival time a week before the event.
How do I unload?
You will drive up Atlantic Ave and stop in the right lane along the edge of the park.  
No double parking is allowed. If there is no space available at the curb, drive around the block and wait for a spot. 

You must move your car immediately after unloading. Carts and dollies will be available to borrow, and there will be people to help you move your cart/ dolly to your space and watch them while you park.

You must unload your cart completely and return it for the next artist before you begin to set up your booth.
Can I leave early?

Absolutely Not. Artists may NOT break down before 6PM. It degrades the show and negatively affects the artists around you and the entire event. Many visitors view the whole show and sales are common at the very end of the day.

Artists who pack early will be banned from future events.

Where is the nearest bathroom?
There are Porta Potties set up for the day near the Park Maintenance Shed.
There are public restrooms outside the Marriott, to the right of the hotel entrance. (To the left of Tia's.)
Can I smoke in my space?
No. There is no smoking on park property.
Where is the nearest ATM?
The are several banks and ATMs in the area.
Is there a number to call for info?
No, only email. If your question is not answered here, email us.
Do you need volunteers?
YES! We ask neighbors, spouses, and friends to assist with load in, load out, or booth sitting for bathroom breaks through the event. There is a signup form online.